

Eco Crew works collaboratively with all our departments to give you the best solutions for your project. Custom tailoring the work to give the best results.

Site Remediation Program

Project Location: Edmonton, AB
Service Provided: Environmental Consulting & Project Coordination
Brief Description of the project: Remedial excavation completed inside an industrial warehouse, Unique challenges and how they were overcome: Big disruption to an active warehouse, limited work space and access for equipment and soil removal/replacement. Worked closely with the contractors and site owners to ensure operations were still possible, while completing the remediation in a timely manner to reduce the lenght of disruption. Utilized small, agile equipment to complete the work within the limited space available.
Date Complete: 2020

Redevelopment Program

Project Location: Edmonton, AB
Service Provided: Environmental Consulting
Brief Description of the project: Remedial excavation of Brownfield site, including the removal of 3,250 metric tonnes of impacted soil from site. Unique challenges and how they were overcome: Numerous parties and contractors are involved in a brownfield development. Eco Crew provides environmental direction and assistance to facilitate everything from pre-job planning, excavation, development, grant funding, permitting/occupancy and future on/off-site monitoring.
Date Complete: 2022

Enviromental Liability Study

Project Location: Various locations throughout Northern Alberta
Service Provided: File Review and through data gap analysis, Phase II ESAs and Hazardous Building Materials Assessments.
Brief Description of the project: Eco Crew was taksed with reviewing previous environmental assessments and developing further assessment plans to complete data gap analysis. This information was then used to provide the client with estimated liability from soil/groundwater impacts to hazardous building material abatement.
Date Complete: Summer 2021

Spill Response

Project Location: Invermere, BC
Service Provided: Environmental Supervision
Brief Description of the project: Incident with a snowmobile lost in a lake near invermere, British Columbia. Retained to coordinate recovery via helicopter from mountain lake and to provide environmental consulting regarding the potential loss of fuel into the late from incident and recovery. Eco Crew successfully coordinated recovery of the snowmobile from the lake utilizing a local helicopter contractor and no release of fuel was observed.
Date Complete: July 17, 2019.

Spill Response

Project Location: Wheatland County, AB
Service Provided: Spill Response and Remediation
Brief Description of the project: Incident where a transport truck crashed into creek and released fuel and cargo. Fuel was cleaned up immediately however remaining cargo had to be removed from water body. Collected any debris that was acessible from the shore and waited for water level to drop. Creek levels didn’t drop enough to access by foot as such contracted a commercial diving team to recover cargo lost in the waterbody for proper disposal.
Date Complete: March through Sept. 2020

Asbestos Abatement Program

Project Location: Downtown Edmonton
Service Provided: Abatement Monitoring
Brief Description of the project: Eco Crew completed a full hazardous building materials assessment on the building, helped develop abatement specs and aided in bid review with the client. Eco Crew then completed abatement monitoring on several buildings.
Date Complete: 2021